Solution focused brief therapy
Solution focused brief therapy


It was so interesting and I came away feeling totally enthused and full of ideas”. This is one of the best training sessions I have ever been on. I particularly felt that the Silent Session and the Visual Session were useful. “Right from the start, I felt that the ethos of solution focused intervention would be a brilliant way of working. Lauren Seal, Head of Year 8, English Martyrs, Leicester Best course I have ever attended, so useful and so much fun“. The strategies have already been put to good use. It has provided me with invaluable tools to use in a school environment. “ A fantastic course that was a pleasure to be a part of. I feel it was a skill that was not difficult to learn and I can see multiple potential uses for it“.

solution focused brief therapy

When using this approach, I have consciously delayed the decision to start psychotropic medication. “ I have started to use the Solution Focused approach to empower patients with anxiety and depression by positive reframing and getting them to articulate coping strategies that have helped so far. The fundamental element of Solution Focused Brief Therapy is deShazer’s focus on “exceptions” to either the problem or to the client’s reaction to the problem leads the client to connect with the “ how” they dealt differently at any given point rather than the “ why“. This led deShazer to design a Solution Focused “brief” therapy approach focusing on exceptions to the presenting problem rather than tracing the pathology of the problem – focusing on times when the client “ overcame the urge to x, y and z“ times when they “ pulled themselves back” or did something differently – whether it was random “ the sun was shining, so I felt better” or purposeful: “ I left the room and breathed deeply before I reacted.….”. Steve de Shazer’s research indicated that people attending Therapy either achieved their goals within six sessions or didn’t bother returning.

solution focused brief therapy

Milton Erickson’s work was harnessed by the psychotherapists Steve deShazer and Insoo Kim Berg in the 1970s to create a collaborative Solution Focused approach, encouraging people to talk about preferred futures rather than only tracing the pathology of the problem – the Solution Focused Brief Therapy Model.

solution focused brief therapy

Holding no theory of pathology, Erickson was interested in what helped people to change – he worked with the innate abilities of each person to bring about the desired changes they envisioned. The Solution Focused Approach is a competency-based approach that owes its origins to Milton Erickson. As well as our Face-to-Face training courses, we now also provide our training courses via MSTeams and Zoom – please get in touch via or Tel: 07779 242 289 for further information.

Solution focused brief therapy